The joint project Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT) is starting its fellowship programme. FFVT fellowships are granted to (experienced and less experienced) researchers from abroad or with a refugee background working in the field of forced migration and refugee studies to support guest stays at one of the collaborative partners of FFVT. The current call for applications offers stays of two to six months between 1 October 2021 and 31 December 2022.
The cooperation project “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer” (FFVT) aims to strengthen interdisciplinary forced migration and refugee research in Germany. To this end, the project brings together research and knowledge transfer on forced migration and refugee issues with migration, development, conflict and violence, climate change, health, governance, human rights and other fields of study. FFVT is jointly run by the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN, University of Erlangen Nuremberg), the German Development Institute (DIE, Bonn) and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS, University of Osnabrück) and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). To promote international networking in the field, FFVT offers a global fellowship programme.
FFVT fellowships are granted to researchers or academics from abroad or with a refugee background working in the field of forced migration and refugee studies to support guest stays at (mainly) one of the collaborative partners of FFVT. The fellowships serve to carry out and/or further develop a research or knowledge transfer project of the fellows’ own choice in cooperation with their hosts. The collaborative partners provide the necessary infrastructure on site and support the fellows during their stay.
The FFVT Fellowship Programme offers participants an interdisciplinary research environment with concrete exchange and networking opportunities at renowned institutions, the opportunity to (further) develop, discuss and implement research and/or knowledge transfer ideas, involvement in FFVT events (including workshops, discussions, summer schools), longer-term integration into the FFVT network, possible cooperation on joint proposals, and possible cooperation on joint publications.
Topics may include but are not limited to: Im/mobilities, global standards of refugee protection, post-colonial perspectives, data production, refugee voices, biases and distortions in refugee and forced migration research, research ethics, categorisations, global governance and externalisation, climate change and flight, effects and after-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Designated fellows are researchers or academics working in scientific or transfer-oriented institutions, or self-motivated in the field of forced migration and refugee research at different stages of their career: senior researchers, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral students / junior researchers.
Fellowships are provided for stays of 2–6 months between October 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022. Depending on mobility restrictions due to the Covid19 pandemic, especially in 2021 solutions can be discussed for an initial part of the fellowship to be completed in a ‘virtual’/online format.
Fellowship allowances include a monthly scholarship (1.550€/2.050€/3.000€ per month depending on experience level) and travel costs (1 international return travel, national travel costs).
Applicants choose the FFVT institute they consider best fitting to their area of interest (up to 2 priorities can be specified). The exact funding opportunities differ in detail between the institutes and can be found here.
Applicants should explain how they will contribute to FFVT’s goals with their own research and/or knowledge transfer activities or how they can contribute to the research and/or knowledge transfer priorities of the collaborative institutes and develop these further during their stay. Certain formats such as lectures, contributions to teaching, joint development of proposals can be listed as possible products.
In particular, we invite applications that are relevant for refugee and forced migration studies also beyond the applicant’s immediate project, address fundamental questions in their research projects, proceed reflexively and demonstrate innovative approaches.
Application procedure
Applications in English should be sent as a single PDF file to fellowships@ffvt.net. This is a rolling call (without deadline). Successful applicants of the first round will be informed in September 2021.
Applications include:
- A letter of motivation covering a short description of the current project, the desired time period (+ one alternative period) and the chosen FFVT institute(s) (up to two priorities), including reasons for the choice, and contact details (2–4 pages).
- A draft of the project that is to be developed/carried out during the stay including how this project fits into the FFVT-framework and a schedule (4-6 pages including bibliography)
- An academic CV including a list of relevant key publications
General questions on FFVT-fellowships can be addressed to: fellowships@ffvt.net
Host institute-specific questions can be addressed to
- CHREN: Petra Bendel, petra.bendel@fau.de
- BICC: Conrad Schetter, conrad.schetter@bicc.de
- DIE: Merlin Flaig, merlin.flaig@die-gdi.de
- IMIS: Marcel Berlinghoff, marcel.berlinghoff@uos.de
Source: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 25 August 2021