Following the successful conclusion of IPBES 7 and in line with decision IPBES-7/1 on the Rolling Work Programme of IPBES up to 2030, I would like to invite Governments and other relevant stakeholders:
1. To nominate candidates for the following task forces:
- A task force on policy tools and methodologies, mandated until IPBES 10 (planned for 2023; see here for more information);
- A task force on scenarios and models, mandated until IPBES 10 (see here for more information);
- A task force on capacity building, mandated until IPBES 10 (see here for more information);
- A task force on knowledge and data, mandated until IPBES 10 (see here for more information);
- A task force on indigenous and local knowledge, mandated until IPBES 10 (see herefor more information).
2. To make offers for in-kind support to the following technical support units:
- Technical support unit for policy tools and methodologies;
- Technical support unit for scenarios and models;
- Technical support unit for capacity-building;
- Technical support unit for knowledge and data;
- Technical support unit for indigenous and local knowledge.
A call for the nomination of experts to participate in the two scoping processes approved at IPBES 7 (a thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health; and a thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity) will be issued in August 2019.
1. Process for the nomination of experts: All Governments and relevant organizations or institutions are encouraged to submit nominations. Nominating organizations or institutions are not required to have been admitted to the Plenary of IPBES as an observer. Please help us to disseminate this call for nominations of experts widely to relevant institutions and organizations.
Nominated experts should have expertise – specific to the task force to which they are nominated – in one or more disciplines of natural science, social science or the humanities, be indigenous and local knowledge experts or have expertise in indigenous and local knowledge systems or be policy experts and practitioners. All nominees should have experience in working within interdisciplinary, international and/or global contexts. Governments and organizations are invited to nominate women as well as men with a diversity of disciplinary backgrounds in order to ensure a balanced team of experts.
For the task forces on policy tools and methodologies, capacity-building, knowledge and data and indigenous and local communities, nominations are also invited for representatives of qualified national, regional and international scientific organizations, centres of excellence and institutions, including experts on indigenous and local knowledge, known for their work and expertise on issues related to the mandate of the respective task force.
For the task force on indigenous and local knowledge, nominations are also invited for representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Please follow this procedure for nomination:
- Nominees are invited to fill out the application form and attach their curriculum vitae/information regarding the organization they are representing, through the dedicated web portal at
(To access this page, you will need to log in with your IPBES web site login credentials or Nominees not yet registered on the IPBES web site will need to do so by clicking on the “Create new account”.)
- The nominating Government or organization (Nominator) indicated by the Nominee will receive an email with a link to the nomination form and will be invited to approve and submit the nominations in the web portal.
- Nominators and Nominees will receive a confirmation via email once the nomination has been duly submitted.
Interested experts and representatives of organizations or indigenous peoples and local communities (Nominees) are encouraged to contact their IPBES National Focal Point ( regarding any country-specific processes or deadlines and are requested to fill out their application form by no later than 17 June 2019.
Nominators (Governments or organizations) should approve the applications and submit their nominations by 1 July 2019. Early nominations ahead of the deadline are encouraged.
- Experts that are nominated and selected as members of a task force of IPBES accept the relevant conditions for this role. This includes that the time contributed to IPBES is committed on a pro-bono basis. Experts from developing countries as well as from economies in transition receive financial support to attend relevant IPBES meetings in line with the approved budget. This financial support covers travel costs and per diem for the days spent at the meeting. Selected experts of developed countries are to secure their own funding to participate in the meetings. Selected experts are expected to participate at least in the formal meeting of the task force (one per intersessional period) and may be asked to participate in other IPBES meetings.
2. Offers to host technical support units: Governments or organizations interested in providing in-kind support for a technical support unit are invited to send their offer, using the template provided here, to the secretariat at by 1 July 2019.
The offer should include specific information on:
- the task force for which the offer is being made;
- background and relevance of the hosting institution to the work of the task force;
- the administration and staffing of the technical support unit;
- funding arrangements, including a budget detailing how the IPBES dedicated funds and the matching in-kind contribution from the host institution would be used.
Members of task forces and offers for technical support units will be selected in accordance with the relevant decisions by the Plenary of IPBES and applicable procedures during the 13th meetings of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Bureau, planned for 22-26 July 2019 in Bonn, Germany. Outcomes will be communicated a few weeks after the meeting.
Quelle: Press release Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 17.05.2019