UN Bonn: UN Day 2018 – acting for sustainable development by leaving no one behind

This year’s UN Day celebration in the City of Bonn took place on 20 October, just four days ahead of the anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter on 24 October 1945, which marks the creation of the United Nations.

To celebrate the UN’s 73rd birthday, 23 UN and international entities from across Germany, numerous NGOs as well as Ministries came together with the City of Bonn on the Market Square last Saturday, to showcase their work towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, raise awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and present various opportunities for everyone to get involved to ensure a better future for everyone, everywhere.

Thousands of visitors were warmly welcomed by Prof. Jakob Rhyner, current Head of Agencies and Director of United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), and the Lord Mayor of Bonn, Ashok Sridharan, who encouraged Bonners to take this opportunity and learn more about the participating organization’s work towards global sustainable development as well as the importance of local SDG Action in Bonn and Germany.

This year, the overall theme of the festivities was “Leaving no one behind”, which is one of the important guiding principles of the 2030 Agenda. Was does this actually mean? How does the international community follow through? How does it affect us? – These were some of the question visitors asked UN Staff and other exhibitors, while they visited the many information booths and displays in front of the city’s Old Town Hall and collected information material. The event was accompanied by a musical stage programme.

Source: News UN Bonn, 22.10.2018