The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) are grateful to present the extension of NDC-SDG Connections!
Many climate plans submitted under the Paris Agreement go far beyond ambitions to lower green house gas emissions. Yet, while climate policy still mainly focuses on the ecological and economic dimension, the social dimension needs to be equally involved. Connecting the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement unlocks the potential to achieve a climate-smart and just transformation.
In a joint initiative by DIE and SEI, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), researchers elaborated on the connections of the two agendas and made the results accessible online. During COP23 both institutes published, presented and discussed the prelaunch version of the NDC-SDG Connections which has now been successfully extended.
“We found that there is already an interconnection between the NDCs and the SDGs”, Adis Dzebo (SEI) says. These mainly relate to the fields/targets of/in agriculture (SDG 2), water (SDG 6) and biodiversity (SDG 15) as well as partnerships (SDG 17). Yet correspondence can be found throughout.
“What we need now is to align processes and institutions behind these two huge agendas to address synergies and trade-offs and to achieve a meaningful and policy coherent implementation”, Hannah Janetschek (DIE) sums up the challenge.
The extension of NDC-SDG Connections aims at contributing to succeed this challenge.
On the newly published SDG detail pages you are now able to explore how Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) correspond to specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and its targets. You are able to filter for a specific country or country group by world region, by income as well as the five major emerging national economies (BRICS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs) or Small Island Developing Countries (SIDS).
Explore the NDC-SDG Connections: www.NDC-SDG.info
Brandi, Clara / Adis Dzebo / Hannah Janetschek / Claire Lambert / Georgia Savvidou (2017): NDC-SDG Connections. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Stockholm Environment Institut (SEI). DOI: 10.23661/ndc-sdg_2017_1.0
Source: Notification German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 30.11.2017