UNEP/CMS: Report "Living Planet: Connected Planet"

World wildlife hubs are threatened across the planet. In the Canadian High Arctic white Beluga whales migrating in open narrow corridors in the ice may see their migration stopped by shipping traffic from a large proposed iron mine. Whales and dolphins are exposed to increasing noise pollution from sonar and vessels, which might lead to changes and drops of up to 58 per cent in the communication of the marine mammals.

In the Yellow Sea in East Asia land reclamation is destroying critical “airports” for waterbirds, while the open plains of Central Asia, Africa and South America are being bisected by roads, railways and new mining projects.

These are some of the threatened sites identified in the report entitled Living Planet: Connected Planet. Preventing the End of the World’s Wildlife Migrations through Ecological Networks. It was launched yesterday (21.11.2011) in Bergen by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS).

“For all the frequent travellers of the animal world, ecological networks are essential for their migration and survival. International cooperation is crucial to manage these large transboundary networks. The commitment of all countries is needed, so that future generations can still marvel at and benefit from these nomads connecting our planet,” CMS Executive Secretary, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema said.

The report highlights how international collaboration has resulted in unique success stories in protecting migratory species as examples to follow.


Press releaseWorld wildlife hubs are threatened across the planet. In the Canadian High Arctic white Beluga whales migrating in open narrow corridors in the ice may see their migration stopped by shipping traffic from a large proposed iron mine. Whales and dolphins are exposed to increasing noise pollution from sonar and vessels, which might lead to changes and drops of up to 58 per cent in the communication of the marine mammals.

In the Yellow Sea in East Asia land reclamation is destroying critical “airports” for waterbirds, while the open plains of Central Asia, Africa and South America are being bisected by roads, railways and new mining projects.

These are some of the threatened sites identified in the report entitled Living Planet: Connected Planet. Preventing the End of the World’s Wildlife Migrations through Ecological Networks. It was launched yesterday (21.11.2011) in Bergen by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS).

“For all the frequent travellers of the animal world, ecological networks are essential for their migration and survival. International cooperation is crucial to manage these large transboundary networks. The commitment of all countries is needed, so that future generations can still marvel at and benefit from these nomads connecting our planet,” CMS Executive Secretary, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema said.

The report highlights how international collaboration has resulted in unique success stories in protecting migratory species as examples to follow.


Press release