On: Friday, 23 October 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
At: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Professor Mojib Latif, Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR)
„Facing Climate Change – What We Must Do Now“
You are kindly invited to attend the Bonn United Nations Talks, followed by a
reception.Please fax your registration to: 0228 / 77 53 41
The Bonn UN Talks have been held since the year 2000, complementing the open-air activities on United Nations Day with substantial lectures and discussions on topical issues concerning the international community.
This year’s festival on United Nations Day will be held on Bonn’s Market Square in front of the Old Town Hall on 24 October, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The event will feature comprehensive information on Millennium Development Goal (MDG) No. 8 „Develop a global partnership for development“ as well as a stage program for the entire family. You are highly welcome to join us on this occasion as well.
Contact: Bundesstadt Bonn, Vorstandsreferat 01, Internationale Angelegenheiten und Repräsentation, Altes Rathhaus, Markt, 53111 BonnOn: Friday, 23 October 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
At: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Professor Mojib Latif, Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR)
„Facing Climate Change – What We Must Do Now“
You are kindly invited to attend the Bonn United Nations Talks, followed by a
reception.Please fax your registration to: 0228 / 77 53 41
The Bonn UN Talks have been held since the year 2000, complementing the open-air activities on United Nations Day with substantial lectures and discussions on topical issues concerning the international community.
This year’s festival on United Nations Day will be held on Bonn’s Market Square in front of the Old Town Hall on 24 October, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The event will feature comprehensive information on Millennium Development Goal (MDG) No. 8 „Develop a global partnership for development“ as well as a stage program for the entire family. You are highly welcome to join us on this occasion as well.
Contact: Bundesstadt Bonn, Vorstandsreferat 01, Internationale Angelegenheiten und Repräsentation, Altes Rathhaus, Markt, 53111 Bonn