16.02.2018 | EADI: Webinar “Ethiopians in Zhengistan – Decolonising Development Policy”

Aram Ziai will speak about “Ethiopians in Zhengistan – Decolonising Development Policy”

Aram Ziai is Heisenberg-Professor of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for Development Policy and Postcolonial Studies and head of the research area at Kassel University, Germany. His focus lies in the fields of development theory and policy, postcolonial and Post-Development approaches and global economic governance.

The webinar consists of a 20min talk followed by a discussion and will take place online on 16 February, 3pm (Berlin time). Please register via this link

More on the EADI Postcolonial Working Group here

Source: Notification EADI, 30.01.2017