EADI | ADAPTED Project “Eradicating Poverty – Pathways Towards Achieving the SDGs”: 12 Early Stage Researchers Positions Open!

The ADAPTED project, in which EADI is one of the partners, is offering training to high achieving early stage researchers (ESRs) to bridge the existing knowledge gap in understanding poverty dynamics and by equipping the ESRs with a unique skills portfolio that is equally attractive for research institutions, development organisations and internationally active firms

The ADAPTED training programme combines local doctoral training offers at the beneficiary organisations with high-level network-wide training and training through secondments. The programme includes the training of core research skills acquired via the individual research project, modules on advanced research skills delivered by the consortium and transferable skills training offered by local graduate schools and during secondments with practice partners. Application deadline is 31 March 2021

Open Positions are:

  1. The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Official Development Assistance on Job Creation and Poverty Reduction
  2. Mining and Poverty – A focus on artisanal mining and on CSR in industrial mining
  3. Effectiveness of social protection in fighting poverty
  4. Labour regulation and economic performance in SSA
  5. Universal health coverage in West Africa
  6. A political ecology approach in evaluating the development agenda: The cases of Ghana and Kenya
  7. Costs/benefits of climate policies in the context of informal economies
  8. An analysis of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of African countries under the Paris climate agreement and how these NDCs relate to SDG1
  9. Mobilising international law for cross-border tax justice
  10. The effects of governmentally enforced minimum wages on formal sector employment
  11. Rights-based social assistance schemes
  12. Building coherent social protection systems
  13. Demand for good governance and policy access for the poFor
  14. Neopatrimonialism, pockets of effectiveness and policy making for the poor
  15. Coalition-building and pro-poor governance reform

Further information is available on the ADAPTED website

Learn more

Source: European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), 29 January 2021