Berlin Civil Society Center: Conference documentation available online "Advancing the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda"

All statements from the thematicwork sessions are available online on A sign-on function is available next to each text which allows you to sign-on to each and any of the statements which you agree with. The Berlin Civil Society Center encourages you to share this information with your networks and to circulate this link widely.

·         the conference documentation is also available on The World We Want platform, including:
·         the Harvesting Team’s “Preamble” summarising the conference findings;
·         all “daily bulletins”;
·         all available speeches;
·         live stream videos of the plenary sessions;
·         “What Do We Think?”, the graphic facilitation team’s summary video of the event.

The Berlin Civil Society Center will share the overall results of the evaluation as well as further follow-up information from the conference next week. Additional impressions, including pictures of the event and the video from the “Blackbox”, will be uploaded on shortly.

All statements from the thematicwork sessions are available online on A sign-on function is available next to each text which allows you to sign-on to each and any of the statements which you agree with. The Berlin Civil Society Center encourages you to share this information with your networks and to circulate this link widely.

·         the conference documentation is also available on The World We Want platform, including:
·         the Harvesting Team’s “Preamble” summarising the conference findings;
·         all “daily bulletins”;
·         all available speeches;
·         live stream videos of the plenary sessions;
·         “What Do We Think?”, the graphic facilitation team’s summary video of the event.

The Berlin Civil Society Center will share the overall results of the evaluation as well as further follow-up information from the conference next week. Additional impressions, including pictures of the event and the video from the “Blackbox”, will be uploaded on shortly.