This year´s event will take place online between May 30 and June 3 and the call for proposals is open until April 13th, 2022.
The gLOCAL Evaluation Week, will be convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) together with local and global partners. As a part of Deval, the project Focelac+ is happy to be involved in this initiative and encourage you to read more about it.
The gLOCAL Evaluation Week, a dedicated week for knowledge and experience sharing events related to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) topics around the globe, was launched by the CLEAR Initiative, in 2019.
In the short time since gLOCAL was launched, partners from around the world have hosted over 1000 M&E focused events across five continents in multiple languages. In 2021, nearly 350 events took place, hosted by more than 200 institutions in 174 countries. We are excited to see how gLOCAL will continue to grow in 2022, reaching more people, and delivering an engaging and successful knowledge sharing opportunity.
This year gLOCAL Evaluation Week will take place virtually between May 30th and June 3rd 2022. During this week, events organized by public, private, and academic institutions and organizations that produce, use, or promote evaluations to strengthen development programs will take place around the world. In addition to traditional topics such as ‘Evaluation Methods,’ ‘Evaluation Capacity Development,’ and ‘Evaluation Communication and Use,’ this year’s special theme “EvalEvolve: The evolution of M&E in the 21st century” will allow event organizers to consider how M&E is changing to adapt to our new realities.
Please consider supporting gLOCAL Evaluation Week by:
- Organizing/hosting an M&E knowledge-sharing or networking event between May 30 and June 3, 2022. Go to the gLOCAL Evaluation Week to submit an event proposal;
(The 2022 Call for Proposals NEW deadline is April 13th, 2022) - Promoting gLOCAL Evaluation Week through your professional networks and social media channels. More information is available on the website; and
- Encouraging everyone to participate in gLOCAL Evaluation Week events. Go to gLOCAL Evaluation Week to see the 2022 Calendar of Events (forthcoming in May).
For more information and to submit an event proposal, please visit the Global Evaluation Initiative, follow GEI (@GEI_GlobalEval) on twitter, or email contactgei[at]globalevaluationinitiative.org.
Share your knowledge, experiences, and make new connections. Together, we can strengthen local and global monitoring and evaluation capacity and promote stronger development outcomes.