German development cooperation is to become feminist. Supporting women specifically and integrating them equally in development cooperation projects is seen as essential to achieving many goals, such as combatting hunger and poverty. In this online event, Verena Gantner and Angela Heucher (both from DEval) will present findings from a DEval evaluation on gender mainstreaming in German development cooperation. Elin Bjarnegård (Uppsala University) will then provide a comparative perspective on Swedish development cooperation and Sweden’s feminist foreign policy.
DEval warmly invites you to “Gender Mainstreaming in Post-conflict Contexts: Lessons for a Feminist Development Policy” on Tuesday, 8th March 2022 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, CET. In this online event, Verena Gantner and Dr Angela Heucher (both from DEval) will present findings from a DEval evaluation on gender mainstreaming in German development cooperation. Elin Bjarnegård (Uppsala University) will provide a comparative perspective on Swedish development cooperation and Sweden’s feminist foreign policy.
Tuesday, 8th March 2022 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (CET).
Online via Webex
Join us using this link
Dr Martin Bruder
More Information:
German development cooperation is to become feminist. Supporting women specifically and integrating them equally in development cooperation projects is seen as essential to achieving many development goals, such as combatting hunger and poverty. Whereas the term feminist development policy is more recent, gender mainstreaming is well established in German development cooperation. In addition, other donors such as Sweden and Canada have been implementing a feminist foreign policy.
In this online event, Verena Gantner and Dr Angela Heucher (both from DEval) will present findings from a DEval evaluation on gender mainstreaming in German development cooperation. Focusing on post-conflict contexts, the evaluation asked to what extent gender mainstreaming results in gender-conflict-sensitive projects, which contribute to gender equality and thereby support the building of peaceful and inclusive societies. The presentation will highlight insights and recommendations relevant for a feminist development policy.
Following the presentation, Elin Bjarnegård (Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer, Department of Government, Uppsala University) will give comments. She will provide a comparative perspective and discuss experiences with and learnings from gender mainstreaming in Swedish development cooperation and Sweden’s feminist foreign policy.