What do you do at One Resilient Earth?
Our mission is to encourage life-long learning about the multiple impacts of climate change, as well as to inspire and empower individuals and organizations to become climate-resilient, (re-)build communities and regenerate ecosystems in response to the ecological crisis. In practice, we collaborate with bold organizations, and mobilize an international network of scientists, artists, Indigenous knowledge holders, and practitioners in the fields of climatology, social studies, ecosystem restoration, arts for change, ecopsychology, mindfulness, futures literacy… One Resilient Earth runs many complementary projects. We share visions, new questions and inspiration on climate resilience and regeneration through our Tero magazine. We offer open-sharing and deep-listening spaces to explore climate emotions through our Climate Workers Circles and Youth Climate Circles. We organize online workshops to build new skills, and grow imagination and creativity in response to the ecological crisis. We support pioneering arts-science projects, such as with the University of Bonn on Ecology and the Metamorphosis of Modern Society. We facilitate inclusive dialogues and catalyze resources towards local communities negatively impacted by climate change worldwide. Last, we support organizations committed to cultural transformation, regeneration and resilience, such as the United Nations Development Programme through its Conscious Food Systems Alliance.
What inspired you to found One Resilient Earth?
Between 2006 and 2019, I (i.e. Laureline Simon, Founder of One Resilient Earth) worked on climate change mitigation and adaptation at the international level, including with the French Development Agency in India and Sub-Saharan Africa, and with the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, in Bonn. Through dialogues, I realized that we needed a more inclusive, transformative and regenerative approach to climate action, especially if we wanted to trigger enthusiastic engagement across generations. I also really enjoyed co-designing and co-leading Resilience Frontiers, a collective intelligence process coordinated by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, for which we gathered 100 thought leaders from around the world to craft a vision of a climate-positive and climate-resilient world post-2030. This process generated countless fascinating questions about the inner and outer transformations that are required of us to fully address climate change. It also confirmed the role of Indigenous Peoples and other nature custodians, ancient wisdom holders, artists and creatives in both identifying the root causes of the crisis and leading transformation. Last, I was inspired by courageous women and men I am fortunate to know, who speak their minds, walk the talk, and embody the change they want to see in the world.
What is your goal?
Our goal is to support all people in making the most of their own resilience, intelligence, creativity, care and will power to prepare for unavoidable climate change impacts and limit greenhouse gas emissions, while restoring communities and ecosystems. Our goal is that individuals and organizations have the knowledge, tools and skills to address the current ecological crisis as the existential threat that it is, with solutions that tackle its root causes and are exciting because they lead to regeneration. Our goal is to make societal transformation irresistible because we need it urgently, and because there is so much to learn, grow from and celebrate when we repair relationships to ourselves, others and nature. Last, our immediate goal is to open a Resilience Nest, which would be a physical space in Bonn, dedicated to resilience and regeneration, where we could have large audiences experiment directly with our artistic, joyful and creative approach.
In what way does your work contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Our work contributes directly to Sustainable Development Goal 13, which is ‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’. In addition, we contribute to goal 3 ‘good health and wellbeing’ with our work on regenerative food systems, and through our Circles that address climate impacts on emotional and mental health. We contribute to goal 4 ‘quality education’ by offering life-long learning opportunities for all on climate resilience. Goal 5 ‘gender equality’ is a focus of the climate resilience and permaculture education project of the Rwamwanja Rural Foundation, which we are currently supporting in Uganda. This project also contributes to no poverty (goal 1) and zero hunger (goal 2), as does the Conscious Food Systems Alliance that we are part of. The Climate Resilience and Regeneration Learning Journey we developed with the support of the Clean Cities ClimAccelerator programme contributes to goal 11, ‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’. Last, as official supporters of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and with our advocacy activities and projects supporting regeneration, we contribute to goals 14 and 15, ‘Life Below Water’ and ‘Life on Land.’
How can people contribute to One Resilient Earth?
There are many ways to contribute to One Resilient Earth. We always welcome donations that give us the independence to pioneer radical approaches for the transformation we need. We are often looking for volunteers and/or interns. There are currently 3 part-time positions to fill, and with an international team, we are very flexible in terms of joining the Bonn office or working from home. We love partnering with scientific, cultural, educational institutions, as well as NGOs and international organizations committed to transformation, resilience and/or regeneration through our Waves of Change programme. We also work with local communities through the Tapestry programme for Resilient Local Communities. Last, we regularly organize workshops, circles, talks … many of which are free, and we produce lots of content in our Tero Magazine. Feel free to join our events, read our articles, share our work, follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, or just write to us with your questions or ideas: contact@oneresilientearth.org. We are very grateful for our community in Bonn and would love to learn how to serve you better.
Contact information:
Address: Hohenzollernstrasse 15, 53173 Bonn
E-Mail: contact@oneresilientearth.org
Website: oneresilientearth.org
Instagram: @oneresilientearth