In the framework of our lecture series World Politics on Campus – Welcoming the World at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences we will host H.E. Roberto Jaguaribe, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil, as our distinguished guest on 1 July 2021 from 18:15 to 19:30. He will give a guest lecture on the forthcoming EU-MERCOSUL trade agreement (in English language).
The “Western” model of policy, governance and economy is increasingly being challenged. With China, a new power is rising. Alternative models to the Western democracy claim to deal more effectively with new developments and mega-trends. Climate change and pollution require drastic and immediate measures. Populations in privileged countries fear global migration. The fairness of the distribution of income and wealth in the world is questioned. Populist political figures are gaining ground, and multi-lateral institutions are being discredited.
Over the last decades, globalization has impacted the entire world. Many industries profited from globalization, and companies of all sizes have become extremely active on the international stage. Globalization has created growth, jobs and financial strength, and has allowed us to invest in future technologies. Even though it is unimaginable to significantly scale back the degree of globalization, the world is struggling to find solutions for its detrimental effects.
The lecture series World Politics on Campus – Welcoming the World at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences provides insights into the challenges lying ahead of us. It attempts to shed light on the issues from more than one standpoint. We invite outstanding and distinguished international personalities, experts and decision-makers who are able to introduce the audience to the views of the nations and cultures they represent. Participants will be able to engage in conversation, ask questions and enter discussion.
The online talk & discussion will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Claudia Warning and is open to everyone interested.
Join the discussion and register for free at:
Source: University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS), 25 June 2021