Decreased agricultural productivity is set to fuel an estimated 30% increase in food prices by 2050. Land restoration helps reverse this trend, shows a new UNCCD publication.
The publication provides a brief overview of the UNCCD’s LDN target setting programme and an analysis of response actions identified by 86 countries, highlighting the potential for actionable synergies with the Food Systems Summit. Leveraging LDN Commitments to Boost Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security. The greatest prospects for reversing land degradation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss lie in transforming how we use and manage human, financial and natural capital to produce, distribute, and consume food.
The UN Secretary-General’s Food Systems Summit 2021 this September offers a timely opportunity for countries pursuing Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) response actions to align with the Summit’s game-changing solutions, new business models, and innovative partnerships.
This analysis of national LDN reports, submitted as of the end of 2020, has identified a total of 842 response actions adopted by 86 countries. These include 25 categories of response actions aimed at transforming food systems through implementing more responsible governance, building resilient agroecosystems, and improving the management of demand-side drivers, supply chains, and risk. Furthermore, these response actions would help countries to build back better after the COVID-19 pandemic and help mitigate the impacts of future crises.
Source: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 03 May 2021