IFOAM – Organics International is looking for an evaluation team / firm. The purpose of this Evaluation is to inform IFOAM – Organics International and Agro Eco-Louis Bolk Institute, project team members, and BuZa about the performance of the partnerships, the collaborations, and the achievements of Organic Markets for Development (OM4D).
This Evaluation aims to describe and assess the quality of the implementation process as well as the results (at the output, outcome, and impact level, as feasible), as compared to OM4D’s objectives.
Background of the project OM4D
In 2017, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved the Organic Movement for Development (OM4D) project. This pilot project covers a 4-year period and is implemented by IFOAM –Organics International and AgroEco-LBI in four countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Sao Tome, and Togo. OM4D links with the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOAI) that was launched by the African Union in 2014 and complements interventions under this initiative. OM4D contributes to sustainable development in West Africa and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), mainly SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) but also SDG 3 (Good Health, SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Life on Land). It strengthens the resilience of people and their ability to protect themselves from the negative impacts of worsening external conditions and shocks.The expected results of the project are structured around specific targeted actions (Outputs) that aim at improving smallholder farmers’ livelihoods and living conditions by improving their access to existing organic market systems or by creating new market systems, in a holistic manner.
The project is administered in accordance with the grant decision concerning “Organic Markets for Development”, activity number 4000000806, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The project started in October 2017, with a budget of € 2,747,859, and is expected to reach completion in January 2022. The implementation of the project is supported by specialists in the organic sector who act as resource persons for specific outputs of the project. Each Output is headed by a lead expert and receives input by a number of other experts according to needs. Output 1 and 3 are headed by experts from AgroEco –LBI and Output 2 and 4 by experts from IFOAM –Organics International. Lead experts facilitate the smooth implementation of the project activities, provide the necessary training and coaching and coordinate with the coordinator of the project. Regular reporting of the provided trainings / activities are provided. Lead experts are responsible for the timely monitoring of the activities within their Outputs, and also participate at the regular management meetings and give their input in relation to the activities implemented in the respective years.
Team qualifications
The evaluation team should have the following competencies:
For the team leader: relevant academic background with experience on evaluation of similar projects, relevant experience working on sustainable agriculture, international trade, food security, behavioral change and poverty reduction. Specific knowledge about organic agriculture will be considered an asset.
For the team members/regional experts (max. 2): a sound knowledge of the local and regional contexts, with experience in food and nutrition security and ideally also in organic agriculture.
The team member(s) shall provide relevant references and successful records of the last 8-10 years. It is important that the competencies of the individual team member are complimentary. It is highly recommended that a local consultant(s) is included as the team member. Added value is a gender balanced team. The evaluation team must be independent from the evaluation object and evaluated activities, and have no stake in the outcome of the evaluation. French and English language skills are a pre-requisite.
Application process
Applications are to be submitted by 30th of June, 2021 to Antsa Razafimbelo, Senior Project Coordinator, email: a.razafimbelo@ifoam.bio. IFOAM-Organics International, 5 Charles-De-Gaulle-Str. Bonn 53113.
The proposal shall include all the evaluation team members and be structured as follows:
- Cover page with name and contacts of the consultants proposed for the evaluation team
- Interpretation of the mandate
- Proposal of relevant evaluation questions (questions will be discussed and finalized at the inception meeting/call)
- Methodology
- Timeline
- Budget
- Consultants’ expertise-Annexes: CVs, including a note on possible conflicts of interest
- The consultancy proposal should not exceed 20 pages (excluding annexes).
Source: IFOAM – Organics International, 28 May 2021