Since 2018, EADI has been part of Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship, a European-wide consortium of 15 civil society organizations created with the goal of promoting the inclusion of SDG 4, education for development, and specifically, Target 4.7 global citizenship education at all policy levels in Europe and beyond.
EADI leads the building-up and delivery of knowledge exchange partnerships between civil society organizations and higher education institutions in three regions, Iberian (Portugal and Spain), South Eastern Europe (Slovakia and Slovenia), and Northern Europe (UK and Scandinavia).
The main strategy for this has been networking and support of the partners initiatives, opening spaces of exchange, coordination, and cooperation among interested CSOs and HD institutions.
Through expert seminars, publications, and an upcoming Massive Open Online Course, EADI contributes to the realization of SDGs 4 and 17. In the latter case, Targets 17.16 and 17.17 on multi-stakeholder partnerships are fulfilled with the work being done by EADI as part of the Bridge 47 consortium.
An example of this was the workshop held in London, last year, where the main focus of the exchange was on how can CSOs and HE institutions enhance each other’s work on GCE. The work done at the Bridge 47 regional knowledge exchange partnerships level is a reflection of going a step further in that direction with concrete proposals to engage thematically and on the ground. (Link to the London activity)
EADI will continue this with like-minded partners interested in advancing the cause of education through partnerships for development.
Source: European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), 02 November 2020