Academic publishing is critical to the enhancement of research capacity in the Global South. Furthermore, the greater participation of Southern researchers in journals such as the European Journal of Development Research EJDR serves to re-balance the predominantly Northern academic development ‘voice’.
The aim of the EJDR mentorship programme JUMP is to increase the number of original academic articles authored by Southern development researchers that are published in the EJDR, with a particular focus on women and authors from sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.
Promoting the increased participation of Southern researchers in the EJDR
The JUMP Mentoring Programme offers (young) Southern researchers the opportunity to work closely with an experienced scholar from their field of interest with the aim of preparing a paper that is (subject to the regular peer-review process) accepted for publication in the EJDR or any other scientific journal.
A one-day writing workshop at the EADI ISS Conference 2020 will kick off the programme. Mentees are paired with their mentors, introduced to the basics of writing a paper for academic high-ranking publishing and have opportunity to network. Conference fees, travel and accommodation expenses of the mentees are covered by the programme.
- Advancing voices of Southern researchers in academic knowledge production
- Promoting Southern researchers to publish in international high quality Journals
- Southern researchers based in a low or middle income country in the global South Group without publishing experience in high quality international academic journals
- Special focus on female researchers from the Global South
- Mentoring Panel consisting of experienced EJDR editorial team members
- Introductory Workshop at EADI ISS Conference 2020 for accepted Southern researchers (28 June – 2 July 2020 in The Hague, The Netherlands)
- Selected researchers will be paired with mentors giving guidance during the publishing process in EJDR (commenting on structure and drafts, etc.)
Call for Applications Authors from the Global South who have submitted an abstract to either the EADI / ISS conference 2020 or the ISS Development Dialogue 2020 are invited to submit their application.
Eligibility criteria are that the authors:
- are born and based and studying in a low or middle-income country in the Global South.
- have not published previously in high quality international academic journals.
Applicants are required to submit their CVs, their draft paper and a letter clearly stating what motivates them to apply for the mentorship programme. We particularly welcome applications from women and researchers from sub-Saharan Africa. Please note that only applicants who submit a draft paper with their application can be considered for the journal paper mentoring programme.
Guidelines for abstract and paper submission
Abstracts are invited from PhDs and early-career researchersin development studies
Abstracts must be in English and should conform to the following format:
- Title: limited to 25 words o Full name of author, email, details of institution/affiliation
- Keywords: Maximum of 5 keywords
- Body: A 1000 word extended abstract explaining the paper’s substance including background, purpose, methodology, results, conclusion, etc. and clearly showing how it contributes to the broad conference theme. The title of the abstract, author’s name, institutions and keywords are not included in this limit
- Please inform us to which harvest or seed panel you have submitted your abstract for the EADI / ISS conference, or if you have submitted to the ISS Development Dialogue.
Abstract and a draft paper must be submitted via email to by 20 January 2020. Abstracts submitted after this date will not be considered.
All submissions will be acknowledged via email. In case you do not receive an acknowledgement for your submission, please contact us at
The review committee for the JUMP Programme will let you know about their decision by the end of February.
Please note that we will cover the conference fee, food and accommodation, and the travel costs for accepted mentees.
Source: EADI – European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, December 2019