30.10. – 31.10.2019 | DIE: 3rd International Research and Policy Conference – “Linking Policies and People: New Insights on Migration and Development”

Numbers of international migrants are at a historic high. While people have always been on the move and the benefits of migration are internationally acknowledged, reaping these benefits through “safe, orderly and regular migration” (SDG 10.7) continues to be a challenge at international, national and local levels. Moreover, the numbers of forcibly displaced people have continued to climb since reporting started. Neighbouring countries, themselves oftentimes economically and socially unstable, have been hosting the largest bulk of the displaced populations – with local communities under particular stress.

This conference is devoted to understanding why people decide to move from their homes (with a particular focus on South-South migration), what effects migration has on the socio-economic development of low- and middle-income countries and how migration is governed in a multi-level policy environment.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Migration and development;
  • Dynamics of international migration governance and the role of regions;
  • National migration policies;
  • Multidimensional drivers of migration;
  • Conflict and displacement;
  • Socio-economic impact on host countries;
  • Cities and migration;
  • Methodological innovations and new data

Policy makers and academic researchers will meet at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn to discuss cutting-edge research and its implications for the policy making. The event will be an opportunity for participants to exchange on which policy issues require new research and how current research can support future policy making.

We invite proposals for full papers, which should be at a ‘working stage’ with initial results. Accepted papers will either be allocated to a panel or arranged as a poster presentation. Each paper will be assigned a discussant, who will provide detailed feedback to the authors. The organizers are equally interested in papers using qualitative and quantitative methods. Depending on author interest, the organisers will consider organising a special issue based on the papers presented.

Please send abstracts of up to 300 words, including name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information, as PDF files to Jana Kuhnt (Jana.Kuhnt@die-gdi.de) by 15th August 2019. Applicants can expect a decision by 31st August.

More information

Source: Notification Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Juli 2019