Globally, the transport sector accounts for 24 percent of GHG emissions from fuel combustion, while renewable energy uptake in the transport sector is merely at 3 percent. While there is now a greater focus on electrification as a central element to improve air quality and decarbonizing the transport sector, the question remains: how quickly can this transition happen and what role can the public and private sectors play in accelerating this process?
Chinese cities have shown the fastest transition to electrification in public transport, while European cities are leveraging on the energy transition to encourage uptake of renewables in electrification. This webinar will present global case studies and compare the enabling policies, infrastructure, financing mechanism, business models in the European and Chinese contexts that accelerated electrification and the uptake of renewables in the public transport sector. How can public and private sectors work together in this process?
Source: Press release EcoMobility Team – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), 05.06.2019