On 21 June, we will premiere the film ‘We Unite’ at the European Organic Congress in Romania, and launch it simultaneously online. You can register for the congress here.
The 12-minute film ‘We Unite’ is a window into the lives of two organic farmers and the reasons they join the yearly ‘We are Fed-Up’ demonstration in Germany. Along with hundreds of other farmers, they drive their tractors into the heart of Berlin where they unite with thousands of citizens calling for a better food and farming system for all.
Carlo Horn and Hanna Erz talk about why they farm organically, the impact it has on soils and yield, and how, even in times of drought, they are still able to harvest crops. They highlight the need for sustainable food systems that give farmers access to land, protect the environment, pay fair prices and provide good food for all.
To ensure you see ‘We Unite’ as soon as it is released, please like and follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This film is part of our Good Food for All campaign.
If your organization would like to be part of the online launch, you will find more details here.
Source: Press release Organics International (IFOAM), 04.06.2019