Gesprächsrunde im Rahmen des Deutsche Welle Global Media Forums 2019
„Panama Papers“, „Lux Leaks“, „Offshore-Leaks“ – our session at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum will focus on transnational investigative collaborations and the way they expose hidden power structures and global ‘shadow elites’ (Wedel). What kind of tools and resources are needed to carry out such large-scale endeavors? Have recent investigations truly revealed something we did not know before? How to sustain political independence and avoid co-option by powerful political and business elites? And how do we know whether or not the public actually cares about investigative stories? To adress these questions, sef: organizes a tête-à-tête between anthropologist and political scientist Professor Janine Wedel, George Mason University, and Ilya Lozovsky, Managing Editor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
Quelle: Aktuelles Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (sef:), April 2019