As the world gears up to counter the multifaceted challenges in its pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), rapid digital expansions, climate change, and demographic changes are disrupting the way we work, live, and learn.
Following UNESCO-UNEVOC, pressures brought about by these trends not only affect the way institutions manage their responses but call for the growing necessity to adapt and innovate technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems.
Addressing these issues has been one of the key engagements of UNESCO-UNEVOC in the first half of 2018, as they organized a two days TVET Learning Forum titled ‘Managing skills in a time of disruption’ focussing on enabling responsive skills development, especially in the changing world of work.
During this forum, more than 100 experts and global TVET stakeholders from 30 countries, including representatives from the UNEVOC Network, discussed the impact of the disruptions and how TVET systems across the world can adapt to changing demands, ensuring smooth transitions of the learners to dynamic labour markets and enabling lifelong learning.
In its most recent Bulletin issue (33, July 2018), UNESCO-UNEVOC discusses respective key findings as well as contemporary challenges and achievements.
Please find the full article here:
Source: News UN Bonn, 24.07.2018