Please mark your calendar for the 3rd International Community Wind Symposium 2018 and its Community Power Forum!
On the occasion of the IRENA Innovation Week at the beginning of September 2018 in Bonn, WWEA and LEE NRW in cooperation with Genossenschaftsverband – Verband der Regionen are hosting the 3rd International Community Wind Symposium along with a Community Power Forum for all citizen-owned renewable energies.
The focus of this year’s symposium will be on innovation and new business models. Numerous international and German experts, amongst them representatives of community projects and associations, politicians, researchers and other relevant community power stakeholders are expected.
Event’s Topics
- How does Community Power in Germany develop in the second year of auctions?
- What are current trends and innovative business models of the future?
- Which international networks and cooperation exist, in particular with African countries?
Following last year’s International Community Wind symposiums with more than 100 experts and practitioners from 20 countries each, the World Wind Energy Association WWEA and LEE NRW are hosting now the third year in succession the International Community Wind Symposium – funded by Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen. The aim is to capture the current status of Community Wind in Germany and World Wide and to provide impulses for future developments.
For an increasing number of experts and citizens, community energy plays an important role as citizen-owned renewable energies offer huge potentials to improve livelihoods and to combat poverty. Therefore WWEA sees it as a key task to highlight the role of community power in different forums worldwide and to make sure that in the future community power can play a role on a much larger scale.
Participation will be free of charge, simultaneous interpretation English/German will be available.
More information and the full programme will be available in early summer at
In case of requests and interest in participation, please contact:
Fabian Tenk, WWEA Community Wind Officer, phone +49 228 36940-82#
Source: Press release World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), 28.05.2018