Greetings from the Staff College and its Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development in Bonn!
We are pleased to provide you with a few Sustainable Development (SD) Knowledge Highlights, including information about our courses and free-of-charge offerings.
UNSSC has recently signed a Partnership Framework Agreement with the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UN DOCO). It focuses on learning and training in the UN Development System in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the UN Secretary-General’s initiative to reposition the UN development system. The agreement states, ‘Strengthened collaboration will further enhance UNDG policy and programme implementation through sustained, facilitated learning and leadership development programmes.’
Indeed, in 2018, we will dedicate much of our effort to supporting the UN SG’s reform efforts while fostering knowledge sharing and developing capacities of all stakeholders to bring the 2030 Agenda to life. Through an enhanced range of offerings, we will continue to strengthen and communicate the sustainable development narrative, empower stakeholders, and facilitate integrated and transformative action for sustainable development. Click the picture below for a glimpse of our plans for the months ahead.
Take one of our upcoming courses
UN Country Teams (UNCT) Leadership Skills Course: Leveraging UN Country Teams for the 2030 Agenda, Bonn, Germany, 14 – 18 May 2018
The executive five-day programme is designed for senior UN officials from UN Country Teams to engage with concepts and practices for an integrated approach to UN country support in the context of the 2030 Agenda.
Social Protection for Sustainable Development, Online, 04 Jun – 06 Jul 2018
Designed in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Social Protection Department, this online course equips participants with a solid understanding of social protection and its relevance for Sustainable Development.
Paris Agreement on Climate Change as a Development Agenda, Online, 15 Jun – 27 Jul 2018
This joint UN Climate Change – UNSSC online course offers a holistic and integrated approach to climate change and demonstrates the interlinkages and interdependencies between sustainable development and climate change to make informed policy choices towards low-carbon and climate resilient sustainable development.
Unleashing the Power of the Private Sector in Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Online, 22 Jun – 27 Jul 2018
Private sector engagement is imperative for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to succeed. UNSSC is launching a first of its kind online course on private sector engagement in implementing the 2030 Agenda.
UN Summer Academy: Bringing the 2030 Agenda to life, Bonn, Germany, 27 – 31 Aug 2018
This engaging five-day programme fosters rich interaction on issues relevant to the work of the UN and its partners to concretely implement the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. It will feature panel discussions, solution oriented workshops (AppLabs), and an excursion, as well as a share fair and a boat trip.
All upcoming UNSSC courses
Browse through all of the College’s offerings and find a programme that suits your learning requirements.
Free-of-charge offerings and opportunities
SD Talks Webinar: Big Data and the global gender gap
The recording and slides for our SD Talks webinar on Big Data and the gender gap, featuring speakers from Data2X, are now available here.
UNRISD Call for Papers
UNRISD is accepting abstract submissions for their international conference titled ‘Overcoming Inequalities in a Fractured World: Between Elite Power and Social Mobilization’, to be held in Geneva this November.
Learn more about the UNSSC
Our Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development
Have a look at our brochure and course portfolio to find out more about our knowledge centre in Bonn. For print versions of the brochure, kindly email sustainable-development@unssc.org
2017 in Review: UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development
Read our 2017 in review to learn more about the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development’s major activities and learning points in 2017.
Source: Notification UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, 04.04.2018