Invitation: Workshop on the “Financial Inclusion of Third Country Nationals” on 4 December 2017 in Brussels
The Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI), the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) are pleased to announce a public event on financial inclusion of third country nationals to be held in Brussels. The event aims at presenting the scope and results of the Italian National Observatory for the financial inclusion of migrants, implemented by CeSPI, and other examples from European countries, and to enable an exchange between stakeholders. Programme, location
New EADI programme: Develop your talents!
The EADI Mentoring Programme “Develop Your Talents” provides young scholars with the chance to exchange with someone further advanced in their career. The mentoring does not offer professional coaching to the mentees, but accompaniment on a younger sister/elder sister level. As some of our mentors are also active in the Working Groups, opportunities for further collaboration may arise. How to apply
Read the full newsletter here: http://bit.ly/2zCSoKE
Source: Newsletter EADI, 30.11.2017