[:en]Starting on 24.10.2017 | Die Welt im Wandel – Agenda 2030[:de]Ab dem 24.10.2017 | Die Welt im Wandel – Agenda 2030[:]


Event series “Die Welt im Wandel” about to start for the 4th time. With the upcoming events the FIW and its parters will focus on the “Agenda 2030”.

With the lecture series “Die Welt im Wandel”, we aim to put ourselves in the position of those players who are accountable for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In the course of this, experts from science, politics, civil society and development cooperation critically reflect on the current state of implementation – including the diverse opportunities and challenges connected to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. We will discuss how the Agenda changes guiding principles for governments, what role science and media play in critical research and media coverage, and how significant international players influence the implementation of these development goals. Moreover, our lecture series aims to encourage a meaningful dialogue and a joint discussion – about the SDGs influence on our own day-to-day lives, as well.

“Die Welt im Wandel” is organized by the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft at the University of Bonn, GIZ, Deutsche Welle Akademie and the Liaision Office for International Academic Sciences of the UN-City of Bonn.

Source: Website FIW Uni Bonn, 04.10.2017[:de]

Event series “Die Welt im Wandel” about to start for the 4th time. With the upcoming events the FIW and its parters will focus on the “Agenda 2030”.

With the lecture series “Die Welt im Wandel”, we aim to put ourselves in the position of those players who are accountable for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In the course of this, experts from science, politics, civil society and development cooperation critically reflect on the current state of implementation – including the diverse opportunities and challenges connected to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. We will discuss how the Agenda changes guiding principles for governments, what role science and media play in critical research and media coverage, and how significant international players influence the implementation of these development goals. Moreover, our lecture series aims to encourage a meaningful dialogue and a joint discussion – about the SDGs influence on our own day-to-day lives, as well.

“Die Welt im Wandel” wird organisiert vom Forum Internationale Wissenschaft der Universität Bonn, GIZ, Deutsche Welle Akademie und dem Liaision Office for International Academic Sciences der UN-Stadt Bonn.

Source: Website FIW Uni Bonn, 04.10.2017[:]