The DAAD has published the call “Make Our Planet Great Again – German Research Initiative (MOPGA-GRI)“.
This call is for postdocs (min 2 years after PhD) and senior researchers from abroad who want to come to Germany – please inform your international colleagues who might be interested in coming to AWI:
In support of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, Germany and France are inviting researchers from all over the world
to cooperate with German and French partners to advance sustainability research in the following fields:
1. Research on climate change
Climate research contributes significantly to shaping social and political awareness of the challenges of climate change.
Climate data and models can provide information on the extent to which the Earth’s ecosystem is changing and provide the knowledge basis for decisions.
The research field of climate change includes activities in the areas of monitoring, modelling and mitigation.
Priority areas of the call:
– Enhanced observation of the Earth system and the attribution of environmental and climate changes
– Further understanding of processes, interaction scales, risks and thresholds
– Improved modelling of complex Earth systems, data assimilation and predictability
– Improved understanding and estimation of the extent of future extreme events – Mitigation and social consequences.
2. Research for the energy transition
3. Research to understand the Earth system
The key question in the field of Earth system research is the analysis of the functioning and interaction of the systems and processes that determine life on Earth.
The activities are therefore primarily related to basic research for an improved understanding of the Earth system (in particular marine, coastal and polar research as well as geosciences).
Priority areas of the call:
– Development of interdisciplinary standards for long-term data and assessment systems (especially in geo-modelling)
– Improved understanding of climate-related changes in mass and energy flows in the Earth system
– Monitoring and early warning system for the identification of natural and anthropogenically induced natural risks
– Assessment of human use claims in coastal areas with the objective of designing sustainable development concepts for the effective management of natural resources
– Development of innovative measurement methods and techniques for automatic and autonomous monitoring within the framework of maritime observation systems.
The German call provides funding for the establishment of research groups in the designated research areas under the leadership of the successful applicants at a German university or research institution.
– Junior researchers will receive up to 1 million euros for 4 years.
– Senior researchers up to 1.5 million euros for 4 years.
Junior researchers must have completed their PhD with distinction at least 2 years prior to the deadline.
Applicants are expected to have an excellent record of publications and/or patents.
Applicants must not have resided in Germany in the two years prior to the application deadline.
Deadline for Statement of Interest: 13 October 2017, 12:00 (noon) CET;
The parallel French call (for researchers who want to come to France) is published here:
Source: Notification DAAD, 06.09.2017