15th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2016 “Concentrating efforts for wind power growth in Japan and worldwide!”
The University of Tokyo, Japan
31 October – 1 November 2016 / Technical tour on 2 November 2016
The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and the WWEC2016 Tokyo Organizing Committee are pleased to invite papers and presentations for the 15th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2016, taking place 31 October – 1 November 2016 in Tokyo, Japan.
The main theme of WWEC2016 is “Concentrating efforts for wind power growth in Japan and worldwide”
WWEC2016 will focus on wind power technology and approaches of how to further increase the global wind power capacity of 435 GW in the world based on engineering as well as social science. Various studies have shown that Japan is blessed with an abundance of wind such as onshore and offshore wind to rebuild and strengthen the country from the damage of the great earthquake in 2011.
WWEA and the WWEC2016 Tokyo Organizing Committee invite the wind power community around the world to join us to make the benefits of wind power available for all human beings.
The official conference languages will be English and Japanese.
For more information about the conference, please visit http://wwec2016tokyo.com
Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
1. Innovative onshore wind technology
2. Innovative offshore wind technology
3. National and international wind power policies
4. Wind power markets around the world
5. Social acceptance and participation
6. Site assessment
7. Severe conditions and complex terrain
8. Wind resource evaluation and prediction
9. Grid connection and integration
10. Integrated renewable energy systems
11. Operation & maintenance
12. Capacity building, training and education
13. Small wind and hybrid system
14. Finance and business models
Abstracts format:
All abstracts should be written in English, be concise and clearly state results, objectives or key components of the paper. They should not exceed 500 words and should contain a list of key words. Abstracts should be submitted before 30 April 2016 to: abstract@wwec2016tokyo.com or online.
Please choose one of the presentation types: Oral presentation/Poster presentation
A number of renowned wind power experts have already confirmed their participation in the WWEC2016, please check the conference website.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for Paper Abstract Submission: 30 April 2016
- Notification of the Accepted Papers to the first Author: 17 June 2016
- Deadline for Pre-registration of Authors: 31 July 2016
- Early bird deadline: 31 July 2016
- Full paper submission during the conference onsite
Organized by:
- World Wind Energy Association WWEA
- WWEC2016 Tokyo Organizing Committee
Conference Chairs/Executive Chairs
- Hon. Peter Rae AO, WWEA President
- Prof. Dr. Chuichi Arakawa, The University of Tokyo
- Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General
Contact info: http://wwec2016tokyo.com
General contact:
WWEA Head Office
Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel. +49-228-369 40-80 Fax +49-228-369 40-84
secretariat@wwindea.org http://www.wwindea.org
Contact in Japan:
Arakawa Lab. Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Exhibition Contact:
For Exhibitions and Sponsorship please contact
Source: Notification from WWEA from 24.02.201615th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2016 “Concentrating efforts for wind power growth in Japan and worldwide!”
The University of Tokyo, Japan
31 October – 1 November 2016 / Technical tour on 2 November 2016
The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and the WWEC2016 Tokyo Organizing Committee are pleased to invite papers and presentations for the 15th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2016, taking place 31 October – 1 November 2016 in Tokyo, Japan.
The main theme of WWEC2016 is “Concentrating efforts for wind power growth in Japan and worldwide”
WWEC2016 will focus on wind power technology and approaches of how to further increase the global wind power capacity of 435 GW in the world based on engineering as well as social science. Various studies have shown that Japan is blessed with an abundance of wind such as onshore and offshore wind to rebuild and strengthen the country from the damage of the great earthquake in 2011.
WWEA and the WWEC2016 Tokyo Organizing Committee invite the wind power community around the world to join us to make the benefits of wind power available for all human beings.
The official conference languages will be English and Japanese.
For more information about the conference, please visit http://wwec2016tokyo.com
Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
1. Innovative onshore wind technology
2. Innovative offshore wind technology
3. National and international wind power policies
4. Wind power markets around the world
5. Social acceptance and participation
6. Site assessment
7. Severe conditions and complex terrain
8. Wind resource evaluation and prediction
9. Grid connection and integration
10. Integrated renewable energy systems
11. Operation & maintenance
12. Capacity building, training and education
13. Small wind and hybrid system
14. Finance and business models
Abstracts format:
All abstracts should be written in English, be concise and clearly state results, objectives or key components of the paper. They should not exceed 500 words and should contain a list of key words. Abstracts should be submitted before 30 April 2016 to: abstract@wwec2016tokyo.com or online.
Please choose one of the presentation types: Oral presentation/Poster presentation
A number of renowned wind power experts have already confirmed their participation in the WWEC2016, please check the conference website.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for Paper Abstract Submission: 30 April 2016
- Notification of the Accepted Papers to the first Author: 17 June 2016
- Deadline for Pre-registration of Authors: 31 July 2016
- Early bird deadline: 31 July 2016
- Full paper submission during the conference onsite
Organized by:
- World Wind Energy Association WWEA
- WWEC2016 Tokyo Organizing Committee
Conference Chairs/Executive Chairs
- Hon. Peter Rae AO, WWEA President
- Prof. Dr. Chuichi Arakawa, The University of Tokyo
- Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General
Contact info: http://wwec2016tokyo.com
General contact:
WWEA Head Office
Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel. +49-228-369 40-80 Fax +49-228-369 40-84
secretariat@wwindea.org http://www.wwindea.org
Contact in Japan:
Arakawa Lab. Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Exhibition Contact:
For Exhibitions and Sponsorship please contact
Source: Notification from WWEA from 24.02.2016