The 44th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee (StC) took place on October 14-15, 2015 in Bonn, Germany. It was chaired by Øystein Størkersen of Norway.
The Standing Committee held its yearly meeting to review progress made in the implementation of decisions made by the COPs and to provide further guidance.
Among the strategic and institutional matters the participants discussed were:
Strategic Plan for Migratory Species: The Chair of the Strategic Working Plan Group (SWPG), created for the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023, reported on the results of the recent meeting. The Working Group discussed additional work needed between sessions to develop indicators and the Companion Volume for the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
Review Process for the Convention: The Terms of Reference for the Working Group on the development of a review process under CMS were evaluated, amended and approved. A first meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for summer 2016 with results to be reported at the next Standing Committee meeting in October/November 2016.
Analysis of Common Services: The Standing Committee reviewed several options to increase synergies between various MEAs, developed as a result of independent analysis by the Institute for European Studies and based on recommendations of both Rio +20 and UNEA1. The analysis took into consideration legal, financial, operational and administrative aspects of enhancing synergies within the CMS Family through sharing common services. Of the options presented, the Standing Committee unanimously chose the option of sharing of services step-by-step and decided to invite the 6th Meeting of the Parties to AEWA to adopt a similar decision.
Programme of Work 2015-2017 and budgetary matters: CMS Executive Secretary, Bradnee Chambers, presented the first report on the implementation of the Programme of Work (POW), highlighting the key activities of the Secretariat. This programme was the first one ever submitted to the COP. A total amount of € 1,046,000 has been raised to date in 2015 through voluntary contributions to support the implementation of some of the activities listed in the POW. The Standing Committee appreciated the report provided and also noted the need for more resources to fully implement the POW.
Advice on CMS Priorities to Global Environmental Facility (GEF): The Standing Committee recommended that a larger proportion of GEF funds should be made available for regional and global projects rather than national ones. The funds should be directed towards the following priorities: restoring and maintaining ecological corridors for migratory animals; making infrastructure wildlife-friendly; combating wildlife crime; promoting regional approaches for tracking illegal killing of birds; restoring and maintaining global flyways; reducing marine pollution; minimizing bycatch and mitigating threats to freshwater fish such as habitat degradation and overexploitation. These recommendations will be considered during CBD COP 13 at the end of 2016 in Cancun, Mexico.
Scientific Council: Following the advice of a selection panel, the Standing Committee appointed the members to the new Sessional Committee of the Scientific Council in order to facilitate its first meeting. The appointment followed the recommendations of COP11 on restructuring the Scientific Council in order to streamline its activities through the creation of a Sessional Committee.
Accession of New Parties: The Committee welcomed Afghanistan and Brazil as the newest Parties to the Convention, bringing the total number up to 122. The Committee thanked Germany and Ecuador for their help in recruitment efforts and expressed the hope that the series of regional workshops being held in Latin America and Asia will bring new Parties to the Convention.
Photo: Rights: Francisco Rilla, UNEP/CMS
Source: Notification from CMS from 21.10.2015The 44th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee (StC) took place on October 14-15, 2015 in Bonn, Germany. It was chaired by Øystein Størkersen of Norway.
The Standing Committee held its yearly meeting to review progress made in the implementation of decisions made by the COPs and to provide further guidance.
Among the strategic and institutional matters the participants discussed were:
Strategic Plan for Migratory Species: The Chair of the Strategic Working Plan Group (SWPG), created for the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023, reported on the results of the recent meeting. The Working Group discussed additional work needed between sessions to develop indicators and the Companion Volume for the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
Review Process for the Convention: The Terms of Reference for the Working Group on the development of a review process under CMS were evaluated, amended and approved. A first meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for summer 2016 with results to be reported at the next Standing Committee meeting in October/November 2016.
Analysis of Common Services: The Standing Committee reviewed several options to increase synergies between various MEAs, developed as a result of independent analysis by the Institute for European Studies and based on recommendations of both Rio +20 and UNEA1. The analysis took into consideration legal, financial, operational and administrative aspects of enhancing synergies within the CMS Family through sharing common services. Of the options presented, the Standing Committee unanimously chose the option of sharing of services step-by-step and decided to invite the 6th Meeting of the Parties to AEWA to adopt a similar decision.
Programme of Work 2015-2017 and budgetary matters: CMS Executive Secretary, Bradnee Chambers, presented the first report on the implementation of the Programme of Work (POW), highlighting the key activities of the Secretariat. This programme was the first one ever submitted to the COP. A total amount of € 1,046,000 has been raised to date in 2015 through voluntary contributions to support the implementation of some of the activities listed in the POW. The Standing Committee appreciated the report provided and also noted the need for more resources to fully implement the POW.
Advice on CMS Priorities to Global Environmental Facility (GEF): The Standing Committee recommended that a larger proportion of GEF funds should be made available for regional and global projects rather than national ones. The funds should be directed towards the following priorities: restoring and maintaining ecological corridors for migratory animals; making infrastructure wildlife-friendly; combating wildlife crime; promoting regional approaches for tracking illegal killing of birds; restoring and maintaining global flyways; reducing marine pollution; minimizing bycatch and mitigating threats to freshwater fish such as habitat degradation and overexploitation. These recommendations will be considered during CBD COP 13 at the end of 2016 in Cancun, Mexico.
Scientific Council: Following the advice of a selection panel, the Standing Committee appointed the members to the new Sessional Committee of the Scientific Council in order to facilitate its first meeting. The appointment followed the recommendations of COP11 on restructuring the Scientific Council in order to streamline its activities through the creation of a Sessional Committee.
Accession of New Parties: The Committee welcomed Afghanistan and Brazil as the newest Parties to the Convention, bringing the total number up to 122. The Committee thanked Germany and Ecuador for their help in recruitment efforts and expressed the hope that the series of regional workshops being held in Latin America and Asia will bring new Parties to the Convention.
Photo: Rights: Francisco Rilla, UNEP/CMS
Source: Notification from CMS from 21.10.2015