Mr Morten V. Petersen, Chair of the Danish Small Wind Association, has been appointed as new Chair of the WWEA Small Wind section. Mr Petersen has been involved in renewables and in particular in small wind since many years and has also broad international experience, living and working in Europe and Asia. As Chairman of the small wind section of the World Wind Energy Association, Mr Petersen will guide the work of this group in a voluntary function. In a first statement, he underlined the important role of small wind in the future energy supply and the importance of strict quality standards for this technology.
Morten V. Petersen, Chair of WWEA Small Wind: “Small wind has to play a vital role in the global energy supply, in particular in a more distributed energy system. This is the case for industrialized countries, like my home country Denmark, but even more in the developing world where small wind hybrid system are often the ideal and only practical solution to provide energy access. We must be aware that in order to increase small wind share in the global energy mix, the industry has still to grow and mature, with the help of smart government policies which support the uptake of this sector. One key for the success of small wind will be the focus on global and harmonized quality standards.”
Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General: “I look forward to working even more closely with Morten on small wind dissemination strategies. With his many years of his experience, in particular from a business viewpoint, he will be a great asset for WWEA’s work. Small wind is an important technology and has the potential to deliver electricity to hundreds of millions all over the world.”
WWEA Small Wind has approximately 100 members from all sub-sectors of the small wind industry and is growing rapidly, in parallel with the growing interest in small wind technology around the world. Amongst the WWEA Small Wind members are the leading manufacturers of small wind turbines, national small wind associations, scientists, etc. The main activities of WWEA Small Wind include the organisation of the annual World Summit for Small Wind, the main international meeting point of the global small wind community, and the publication of the Small Wind World Report. On the WWEA Small Wind portal, updated market information can be found about national small wind markets, products and services.
Photo: WWEA
Source: WWEA press release from 11.05.2015Mr Morten V. Petersen, Chair of the Danish Small Wind Association, has been appointed as new Chair of the WWEA Small Wind section. Mr Petersen has been involved in renewables and in particular in small wind since many years and has also broad international experience, living and working in Europe and Asia. As Chairman of the small wind section of the World Wind Energy Association, Mr Petersen will guide the work of this group in a voluntary function. In a first statement, he underlined the important role of small wind in the future energy supply and the importance of strict quality standards for this technology.
Morten V. Petersen, Chair of WWEA Small Wind: “Small wind has to play a vital role in the global energy supply, in particular in a more distributed energy system. This is the case for industrialized countries, like my home country Denmark, but even more in the developing world where small wind hybrid system are often the ideal and only practical solution to provide energy access. We must be aware that in order to increase small wind share in the global energy mix, the industry has still to grow and mature, with the help of smart government policies which support the uptake of this sector. One key for the success of small wind will be the focus on global and harmonized quality standards.”
Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General: “I look forward to working even more closely with Morten on small wind dissemination strategies. With his many years of his experience, in particular from a business viewpoint, he will be a great asset for WWEA’s work. Small wind is an important technology and has the potential to deliver electricity to hundreds of millions all over the world.”
WWEA Small Wind has approximately 100 members from all sub-sectors of the small wind industry and is growing rapidly, in parallel with the growing interest in small wind technology around the world. Amongst the WWEA Small Wind members are the leading manufacturers of small wind turbines, national small wind associations, scientists, etc. The main activities of WWEA Small Wind include the organisation of the annual World Summit for Small Wind, the main international meeting point of the global small wind community, and the publication of the Small Wind World Report. On the WWEA Small Wind portal, updated market information can be found about national small wind markets, products and services.
Photo: WWEA
Source: WWEA press release from 11.05.2015