23. -28.11.2012 | IFOAM: Bonn Sustainability Days "Adressing our Future Today"

    Organized by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) the ‘Bonn Sustainability Days’ comprise a number of events that aim to provide an in-depth discussion of sustainable agriculture guidelines and policy recommendations for the sector.

    The discussion rounds on sustainability will be broken down into multiple expert workshops, keynote speeches and a field trip, before transitioning to a public discussion forum, where renowned international leaders of sustainability visions will share their practical experiences in close-up, personal meetings with participants. The forum in turn will culminate in the public presentation of the conclusions of these four days of exchange.


    23 November – Free Public Event
    Following the Disappointment of Rio+20: We Need Organic Agriculture!
    The Bonn Sustainability Days open with a 2-hour event around the outcomes of the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

    24-26 November – Expert Forum (Registration required)
    The Sustainability Camp
    The ‘Sustainability Camp’ is a three-day indepth discussion on sustainability guidelines and policy recommendations to shape the details of the organic sustainability vision. The think-tank includes experts’ presentation of a road map for sustainability, panel discussions, workshops and field verification excursions, which produce conclusions that are translated into the Bonn Sustainability Declaration 2012.

    26 November – Free Public Event (Registration required)
    The ‘Sustainability for People!’ Forum
    ‘Sustainability for People!’ is a half-day public discussion forum for citizens, consumers and professionals, where renowned international leaders of sustainability visions will share their practical experience in close-up, personal meetings with participants.

    27-28 November – Registration required
    SusCon: Green Economy – from Intention to Action
    The conference draws attention to the importance of business and considers which economic model we should adopt for the future and what, in practice, constitutes a ‘green economy’.

    Further information, flyer, programme and registrationOrganized by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) the ‘Bonn Sustainability Days’ comprise a number of events that aim to provide an in-depth discussion of sustainable agriculture guidelines and policy recommendations for the sector.

    The discussion rounds on sustainability will be broken down into multiple expert workshops, keynote speeches and a field trip, before transitioning to a public discussion forum, where renowned international leaders of sustainability visions will share their practical experiences in close-up, personal meetings with participants. The forum in turn will culminate in the public presentation of the conclusions of these four days of exchange.


    23 November – Free Public Event
    Following the Disappointment of Rio+20: We Need Organic Agriculture!
    The Bonn Sustainability Days open with a 2-hour event around the outcomes of the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

    24-26 November – Expert Forum (Registration required)
    The Sustainability Camp
    The ‘Sustainability Camp’ is a three-day indepth discussion on sustainability guidelines and policy recommendations to shape the details of the organic sustainability vision. The think-tank includes experts’ presentation of a road map for sustainability, panel discussions, workshops and field verification excursions, which produce conclusions that are translated into the Bonn Sustainability Declaration 2012.

    26 November – Free Public Event (Registration required)
    The ‘Sustainability for People!’ Forum
    ‘Sustainability for People!’ is a half-day public discussion forum for citizens, consumers and professionals, where renowned international leaders of sustainability visions will share their practical experience in close-up, personal meetings with participants.

    27-28 November – Registration required
    SusCon: Green Economy – from Intention to Action
    The conference draws attention to the importance of business and considers which economic model we should adopt for the future and what, in practice, constitutes a ‘green economy’.

    Further information, flyer, programme and registration