The impact of global warming in many countries is preventing sustainable development or even destroying existing development gains. This is all the more serious as climate change hits hardest poorer countries and particularly vulnerable population groups. The strong interdependence of climate change and development leads to the necessity for an integrated approach putting forward climate protection and sustainable economic development without jeopardizing the right to development. The present volume reflects the work of the FES working group “Climate Change and Development” founded in 2010 with members of parliament and representatives from research and civil society.
Read the full article (PDF).The impact of global warming in many countries is preventing sustainable development or even destroying existing development gains. This is all the more serious as climate change hits hardest poorer countries and particularly vulnerable population groups. The strong interdependence of climate change and development leads to the necessity for an integrated approach putting forward climate protection and sustainable economic development without jeopardizing the right to development. The present volume reflects the work of the FES working group “Climate Change and Development” founded in 2010 with members of parliament and representatives from research and civil society.
Read the full article (PDF).