The Center for Development Research (ZEF) cordially invites you to the following public seminar;
Dr. Daanish Mustafa (King’s College London)
“Pakistan Floods of 2010/2011: Souring of a Faustian?”
Time and location: 8 December 2011; 4pm – 5:30 pm at ZEF, right conference room.
Please note the two following, upcoming seminars in December 2011:
Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt (Government College University Lahore, Pakistan)
“Child Labour in Human Rights Perspective: Case Study of Child Scavengers of Lahore, Pakistan.”
Time and location: 13 December 2011; 4pm – 5:30 pm at ZEF, right conference room.
PD Dr. Conrad Schetter (ZEF, University of Bonn)
“Flüchtling – Arbeitsmigrant – Dschihadist / Zur Rolle von Translokalität in Afghanistan.”
Time and location: 14 December 2011; 4 pm – 5:30 pm at ZEF, right conference room.
Please find further information on our homepage http://crossroads-asia.de/en/home.html,
and refer for directions to the ZEF homepage http://www.zef.de/howtoreach.html.
The Center for Development Research (ZEF) cordially invites you to the following public seminar:
Dr. Daanish Mustafa (King’s College London)
“Pakistan Floods of 2010/2011: Souring of a Faustian?”
Time and location: 8 December 2011; 4pm – 5:30 pm at ZEF, right conference room.
Please note the two following, upcoming seminars in December 2011:
Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt (Government College University Lahore, Pakistan)
“Child Labour in Human Rights Perspective: Case Study of Child Scavengers of Lahore, Pakistan.”
Time and location: 13 December 2011; 4pm – 5:30 pm at ZEF, right conference room.
PD Dr. Conrad Schetter (ZEF, University of Bonn)
“Flüchtling – Arbeitsmigrant – Dschihadist / Zur Rolle von Translokalität in Afghanistan.”
Time and location: 14 December 2011; 4 pm – 5:30 pm at ZEF, right conference room.
Please find further information on our homepage http://crossroads-asia.de/en/home.html,
and refer for directions to the ZEF homepage http://www.zef.de/howtoreach.html.