The annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG) is jointly organised by the universities of Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, Hamburg, Zurich as well as by the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Research (ATSAF e.V) in co-operation with the GIZ Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development (BEAF).
Tropentag 2011 will be held in Bonn, Germany. All students, Ph.D. students, scientists, extension workers, decision makers, politicians and practical farmers, interested and engaged in agricultural research and rural development in the tropics and subtropics are invited to participate and to contribute.
„Development on the margin“
With increasing demographic growth, globalization effects and a weak resource base in most developing countries, the supply of stakeholders with agricultural commodities must be achieved more efficiently. The ever growing need for agricultural production and productivity has to be reconciled with the growing concerns for the environment. What is the future role of the marginal environments with fragile balances in natural and cultural ecosystems? How to balance development in favourable and marginal environments? And how can or should marginalized peoples and communities become key players in an increasingly globalized resource use? To which extent can these groups shape development in their own circle of influences? These questions will be addressed in the Tropentag 2011 by internationally renowned keynote speakers as well as through 85 oral presentations, 12 guided poster sessions and a number of thematic side events.
Keynote speakers
The following keynote speakers have confirmed their participation (tentative titles):
Gordon R. Conway, Imperial College London: “The double green revolution”
Rattan Lal, Ohio State University: “Marginal land”
Paul Richards, Wageningen University: “Marginal people”
Tewolde Berhan, World Future Council: “Who and what is marginal?”
Hans J. Preuss, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): “Challenges to marginality”
Anthony Patt, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA): “Vulnerable people”
Christian Borgemeister, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) : “Resource use and ecosystem services”
Ravinder Paul Singh Malik, International Water Management Institute (IWMI): “Production systems on the margin”
Carla Roncoli, University of Georgia: “System under stress”
Call for papers: An abstracts of original research containing 250-350 words must be submitted using the online form at until May 15th, 2011.
Conference HomepageThe annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG) is jointly organised by the universities of Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, Hamburg, Zurich as well as by the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Research (ATSAF e.V) in co-operation with the GIZ Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development (BEAF).
Tropentag 2011 will be held in Bonn, Germany. All students, Ph.D. students, scientists, extension workers, decision makers, politicians and practical farmers, interested and engaged in agricultural research and rural development in the tropics and subtropics are invited to participate and to contribute.
„Development on the margin“
With increasing demographic growth, globalization effects and a weak resource base in most developing countries, the supply of stakeholders with agricultural commodities must be achieved more efficiently. The ever growing need for agricultural production and productivity has to be reconciled with the growing concerns for the environment. What is the future role of the marginal environments with fragile balances in natural and cultural ecosystems? How to balance development in favourable and marginal environments? And how can or should marginalized peoples and communities become key players in an increasingly globalized resource use? To which extent can these groups shape development in their own circle of influences? These questions will be addressed in the Tropentag 2011 by internationally renowned keynote speakers as well as through 85 oral presentations, 12 guided poster sessions and a number of thematic side events.
Keynote speakers
The following keynote speakers have confirmed their participation (tentative titles):
Gordon R. Conway, Imperial College London: “The double green revolution”
Rattan Lal, Ohio State University: “Marginal land”
Paul Richards, Wageningen University: “Marginal people”
Tewolde Berhan, World Future Council: “Who and what is marginal?”
Hans J. Preuss, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): “Challenges to marginality”
Anthony Patt, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA): “Vulnerable people”
Christian Borgemeister, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) : “Resource use and ecosystem services”
Ravinder Paul Singh Malik, International Water Management Institute (IWMI): “Production systems on the margin”
Carla Roncoli, University of Georgia: “System under stress”
Call for papers: An abstracts of original research containing 250-350 words must be submitted using the online form at until May 15th, 2011.