Scientists at the University of Bonn, Bielefeld, Kassel (Helmut Freitag), Edinburgh (Ian Hedge) and Giessen have published the bilingual (written in both English and Dari) “Field Guide Afghanistan – Flora and Vegetation.” The 870-page plant atlas is the first pictorial field guide to the flora of Afghanistan, including more than 1,200 out of Afghanistan’s 4000 plant species and with brief descriptions of morphology, ecology and local distribution. The Field Guide was authored by Siegmar W. Breckle of the Department of Ecology at the University of Bielefeld and the Kabul born scientist Daud Rafiqpoor of the Nees-Institut at the University of Bonn.
The field guide is the result of over 50 years experience of the Afghan flora with a big contribution from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. This milestone in Afghan Botanical Studies is aimed at research scientists and students as well as the educated general reader.
Sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Sibbald Trust of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh, some 4,500 copies of the book began to be distributed for free to universities, educational institutes and ministries throughout Afghanistan between the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.
Siegmar-W. Breckle & M. Daud Rafiqpoor (2010): Field Guide Afghanistan – Flora and
Vegetation. Scientia Bonnensis, 868 Pages. ISBN: 978-3-940766-30-4
Scientists at the University of Bonn, Bielefeld, Kassel (Helmut Freitag), Edinburgh (Ian Hedge) and Giessen have published the bilingual (written in both English and Dari) “Field Guide Afghanistan – Flora and Vegetation.” The 870-page plant atlas is the first pictorial field guide to the flora of Afghanistan, including more than 1,200 out of Afghanistan’s 4000 plant species and with brief descriptions of morphology, ecology and local distribution. The Field Guide was authored by Siegmar W. Breckle of the Department of Ecology at the University of Bielefeld and the Kabul born scientist Daud Rafiqpoor of the Nees-Institut at the University of Bonn.
The field guide is the result of over 50 years experience of the Afghan flora with a big contribution from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. This milestone in Afghan Botanical Studies is aimed at research scientists and students as well as the educated general reader.
Sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Sibbald Trust of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh, some 4,500 copies of the book began to be distributed for free to universities, educational institutes and ministries throughout Afghanistan between the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.
Siegmar-W. Breckle & M. Daud Rafiqpoor (2010): Field Guide Afghanistan – Flora and
Vegetation. Scientia Bonnensis, 868 Pages. ISBN: 978-3-940766-30-4