IHDP: Who is the brightest, most influential brain you know?

    Who is the most influential in developing the social sciences on global change? Has the highest recognition among their social science peers? The most impressive publications? The widest impact among the world’s policy-makers? The most extensive track record in developing capacity for global change research and decisions? In short: Who is the brightest, most influential brain you know?

    IHDP is looking for this person to chair our Scientific Committee, and we are asking you to nominate them. More Information…

    The IHDP Scientific Committee (SC) represents a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, professional backgrounds and nationalities. As the chair of the IHDP scientific committee, this person will guide the SC in advising our developments and priorities, guiding our implementation, and supporting the publication and dissemination of results.

    The chairperson of the IHDP SC serves in their personal capacity. Candidates are selected based on the standing in the international scientific community with due regard for regional, gender, and disciplinary balance.

    If you know the bright brain we are looking for, please nominate them by following the procedure outlined in this document. We are excited to hear nominations from the whole scientific community by 15 November 2010. And even more so to have a bright brain join IHDP and our Scientific Committee in 2011.

    Any questions can be sent to the secretariat (secretariat@ihdp.unu.edu). More information about the nomination process can be found on on the IHDP website: Call for Nominations – Chairperson of the IHDP Scientific-Committee.

    P.S. If you think you are the brain we are looking for, we are sorry, but we can’t accept self nominations. So hopefully your research friends also feel the same way about you.Who is the most influential in developing the social sciences on global change? Has the highest recognition among their social science peers? The most impressive publications? The widest impact among the world’s policy-makers? The most extensive track record in developing capacity for global change research and decisions? In short: Who is the brightest, most influential brain you know?

    IHDP is looking for this person to chair our Scientific Committee, and we are asking you to nominate them. More Information…

    The IHDP Scientific Committee (SC) represents a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, professional backgrounds and nationalities. As the chair of the IHDP scientific committee, this person will guide the SC in advising our developments and priorities, guiding our implementation, and supporting the publication and dissemination of results.

    The chairperson of the IHDP SC serves in their personal capacity. Candidates are selected based on the standing in the international scientific community with due regard for regional, gender, and disciplinary balance.

    If you know the bright brain we are looking for, please nominate them by following the procedure outlined in this document. We are excited to hear nominations from the whole scientific community by 15 November 2010. And even more so to have a bright brain join IHDP and our Scientific Committee in 2011.

    Any questions can be sent to the secretariat (secretariat@ihdp.unu.edu). More information about the nomination process can be found on on the IHDP website: Call for Nominations – Chairperson of the IHDP Scientific-Committee.

    P.S. If you think you are the brain we are looking for, we are sorry, but we can’t accept self nominations. So hopefully your research friends also feel the same way about you.