The next round of formal UN climate change negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is scheduled to take place in April in Bonn, Germany. The meeting will be held from Friday, 9 April through Sunday, 11 April 2010 at the Hotel Maritim in Bonn, Germany.
The decision was taken 22 February by the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC at its first meeting of the year at the UN Climate Change Secretariat in Bonn. The 11-member Bureau, which represents the five regional UN groups, is responsible for advising the President of the Conference of the Parties and for taking decisions with regard to the overall management of the intergovernmental process.
In addition to the gathering in April, two major negotiating sessions are currently scheduled for 2010: the 32nd session of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies from 31 May to 11 June 2010 and the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16)/6th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 6) in Mexico from 29 November to 10 December 2010.
“Following the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, this constitutes a quick return to the negotiations,” said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer. “The decision to intensify the negotiating schedule underlines the commitment by governments to move the negotiations forward towards success in Cancun,” the UN’s top climate change official said. “This is further strengthened by the number of countries that have written to the secretariat with their country communications since Copenhagen.” [please note corrected quote due to a miscount by the secretariat. The number of individual countries that have sent in communications with targets and actions has not yet exceeded 100. The number of individual communications now stands at 109].
Forty developed country Parties have so far submitted to the secretariat information on their 2020 emission cut targets, with various base years. These Parties represent around 90% of emissions from this group of Parties.
Thirty developing country Parties have also communicated information on their mitigation plans.
Thirty-nine Parties have provided additional information regarding the Accord.
Together, all these countries represent well over 80% of global energy emissions.
Press release: hereDie nächste Runde der Klimaverhandlungen der Vereinten Nationen findet vom 9. bis 11. April in Bonn statt. Das hat das Sekretariat der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) jetzt in Bonn bekanntgegeben. Der Beschluss erfolgte auf der ersten Sitzung des in Bonn angesiedelten Büros der UNFCCC-Vertragsstaaten nach dem gescheiterten Klimagipfel vom Dezember in Kopenhagen.
Neben dem Termin im April sind für das Jahr 2010 zwei weitere Verhandlungsrunden vorgesehen: Eine Zwischenkonferenz vom 31. Mai bis 11. Juni in Bonn und die nächste Vertragsstaaten-Konferenz vom 29. November bis 10. Dezember in Cancun (Mexiko). Nach UNFCCC-Angaben haben bislang 40 Industriestaaten und 30 Entwicklungsländer ihre Klimaziele für die kommenen Verhandlungen an das Klimasekretariat in Bonn gemeldet.
“Nach der UN-Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen stellt dies eine schnelle Rückkehr zu den Verhandlungen dar”, sagte der Exekutivsekretär der UN-Konvention, Yvo de Boer, der vor wenigen Tagen überraschend seinen Rücktritt zum 1. Juli angekündigt hatte. De Boer tritt eine Beraterposition bei einem internationalen Konzern an.
Pressemitteilung: hier