CMS: First Meeting of the Sessional Committee of the Scientific Council

The first meeting of the Sessional Committee of the CMS Scientific Council is taking place at the UN Premises in Bonn on 18-21 April. Established by the Parties at COP11, the Sessional Committee is a representative selection of the membership of the Scientific Council, made up of 24 members – nine councillors appointed by the COP together with fifteen Scientific Councillors appointed by the Parties and chosen from each of the five regions – Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and South & Central America & the Caribbean.

“Biodiversity, the existence of a rich array of species in the different habitats which also Man is living in, is a key component ensuring the functionality of these habitats. To understand and conserve this natural complexity, a sound scientific approach is essential, and CMS is a Convention based on the most updated and global scientific knowledge. The scientific back-bone of CMS is represented by the unique network of scientists representing Parties within the CMS Scientific Council and, since 2016, the newly established Sessional Committee,” said Fernando Spina, Chair of the CMS Scientific Council.

At its first meeting, the Sessional Committee will develop its Programme of Work, revise the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Council, consider proposed indicators for the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species, revise the template and guidelines for drafting proposals to amend the Convention’s Appendices as well as consider Action Plans for Baer’s Pochard, for African-Eurasian vultures and for the Americas’ Flyway and the Programme of Work for migratory landbirds in the African-Eurasian region. Also on the agenda will be the issues of live capture of cetaceans from the wild for commercial purposes, marine bushmeat, underwater noise, the conservation implications of non-human culture, important marine mammal areas (IMMAs) and the impact of climate change and invasive alien species on species protected under the Convention.

More information about the meeting can be found here.

Source: Notification from CMS from 15.04.2016The first meeting of the Sessional Committee of the CMS Scientific Council is taking place at the UN Premises in Bonn on 18-21 April. Established by the Parties at COP11, the Sessional Committee is a representative selection of the membership of the Scientific Council, made up of 24 members – nine councillors appointed by the COP together with fifteen Scientific Councillors appointed by the Parties and chosen from each of the five regions – Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and South & Central America & the Caribbean.

“Biodiversity, the existence of a rich array of species in the different habitats which also Man is living in, is a key component ensuring the functionality of these habitats. To understand and conserve this natural complexity, a sound scientific approach is essential, and CMS is a Convention based on the most updated and global scientific knowledge. The scientific back-bone of CMS is represented by the unique network of scientists representing Parties within the CMS Scientific Council and, since 2016, the newly established Sessional Committee,” said Fernando Spina, Chair of the CMS Scientific Council.

At its first meeting, the Sessional Committee will develop its Programme of Work, revise the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Council, consider proposed indicators for the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species, revise the template and guidelines for drafting proposals to amend the Convention’s Appendices as well as consider Action Plans for Baer’s Pochard, for African-Eurasian vultures and for the Americas’ Flyway and the Programme of Work for migratory landbirds in the African-Eurasian region. Also on the agenda will be the issues of live capture of cetaceans from the wild for commercial purposes, marine bushmeat, underwater noise, the conservation implications of non-human culture, important marine mammal areas (IMMAs) and the impact of climate change and invasive alien species on species protected under the Convention.

More information about the meeting can be found here.

Source: Notification from CMS from 15.04.2016